Alonso Quijano, Ulises, Leopold Bloom, AUQ, Alonso Ulises Quijano, deambular, tiempo libre, escuchar tus pensamientos, confrontarlos con Sancho; pensamiento, Cultura, Ciencia

J.S.Bach, Andante Trio Sonata nº 527

07 Sonata n°3 BWV 527 in D minor _ A

J.S. Bach, Allegro Trio Sonata nº 525, Marie Claire Alain

03 Sonata n°1 BWV 525 in E flat majo

Mozart, Il mio Tesoro Intanto

3-02 Don Giovanni – 2.16 Aria_ Il Mi

Mozart, Ah! Taci, ingiusto Core

2-09 Don Giovanni – 2.03 Terzetto_ A

Mozart, Or sai chi L’onore

1-12 Don Giovanni – 1.21 Aria_ Or Sa

Mozart, Come mai credere deggio

2-01 Don Giovanni – 1.22 Recitativo_come mai creder

Mozart, La ci darem la mano

1-09 Don Giovanni – 1.14 Duettino_ Ce li darem

My baby just cares for me, Nina Simone

01 My Baby Just Cares for Me

Nights in white satin

1-04 Nights In White Satin

Fly me to the moon

15 Fly Me to the Moon (Live)

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